Bath State Bank offers tailored, specific solutions for your business. See our Business Checking & Saving accounts (at the handy links to the left) to help you with business, organization or farm needs. In addition, we have products and services that are relevant in the business banking marketplace as well as the latest in banking technology, which includes online and mobile services along with remote deposit capabilities.
You can count on local decision making and swift, responsive attention to your financial needs. We’re in business for the long haul, just like you. We've been serving the needs of area businesses since 1924.
Bath State Bank is a local independent community bank, we have a genuine and vested interest in the communities and customers we serve. Our continued growth is tied directly to the success of our local businesses and economy. Bath State Bank supports many community endeavors throughout Indiana and Ohio.
Various products include:
- Business Checking / Saving / Health Saving
- Remote Check Deposit
- Online Banking and Bill Pay
- Customized Mobile Deposit Limits
- Customized Debit Card Limits
- Business Credit Cards
- Merchant Services
- Unlimited Transactions with no transaction fees
- Free Statements and Check Images
- Automated Clearing House (ACH) Direct Deposit Payroll Service
- Easy Check Reorders
- Commercial Real Estate & Construction
- Lines of Credit
- Working Capital Loans
- Commercial Vehicle Loans
- Commercial Installment Loans . . .and much more!
Please visit our handy links to learn about our Business Services or give us a call at 765-732-3022. We look forward to serving you.
We also have Switch Your Account Forms to help you get started!