Bath Insurance Group offers personalized crop and livestock insurance coverage designed to fit your situation. With offices located at Bath State Bank in Bath, Bath Insurance Group (B.I.G.) offers:
- Crop Insurance
- Commercial Wind, Hail & Flood Insurance
- Livestock Mortality Insurance
- Livestock Risk & Margin Protection
Whether you’re a local grower or a large-scale farmer, the licensed independent agents at B.I.G. want to make sure you’re protected. Let us take care of your insurance needs so you can focus on growing and improving your business.
We’re an independent insurance agency. Our agents at B.I.G. will design personalized insurance coverage for you. We’re here to listen. We’re here to answer your questions. Trust the experienced staff at Bath Insurance Group to protect you, your land, your livestock and your livelihood.
For more details, please call Anya at the Bank or at 800-209-7238. Visit the web site at http://www.BathInsuranceGroup.com.
D/B/A Orr & Associates
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a Girl Scout. Unfortunately, with being from a livestock farm, my extra-curricular activities were limited. A motto of the Girl Scouts is to “be prepared.” This crop cycle is no different- you need to be prepared.
Your crop insurance policy will protect you against the risk of weather and/or market pressure but each year we need to prepare those policies to fit your farm needs.
The first step in preparedness is to Know Your Cost of Production. With input costs rising and grain market volatility, knowing your break-even will help you make better financial decisions during times like this.
The second step is to Review. Look at where you’ve been, what worked and didn’t work last year. Do we want to try it again?
The third step in being prepared is Maintenance. Are we ready? Your crop insurance policy is as important as getting a planter ready to plant. We need to look over your policy, see where we need to make adjustments. Are we adding land, switched to an LLC or changing shares?
Using these steps, we can put together a plan so you are, like the Girl Scouts, prepared for this planting season. We begin the spring coverage-pricing period next week through Feb 28th. Spring coverage prices for corn and soybeans will then be set on March 1. Give us a call to review your policy and get a plan together. - Anya